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Category: Legal Tech Tips

Law Office Technology

The ABCs of Law Office Technology

As the founder of (a legal software case management company) and a law office tech trainer, Naresh .M. Gehi often gets the following questions from practicing attorneys in the United States. "What is law office technology, and do I really need it?" When he went further to ask some...
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Software for Immigration Attorneys

Technology and Law Firms: Leveraging Software for Immigration Attorneys

As an immigration law firm, keeping up with technological advancements can be a significant challenge. With so many responsibilities and tasks that need to be taken care of daily, it's easy to let the latest tech tools fall by the wayside. However, adopting legal technology can help streamline your workflow...
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A Guide Starting immigration law practice and Choosing the Best Immigration Software

A Guide Starting immigration law practice and Choosing the Best Immigration Software

What set of skills do you find necessary for a successful law practice? An undaunting work ethic? Definitely. Is it maintaining a responsive client relationship? It goes without saying. How about effective time management? That's a no-brainer. However, these critical skills only come easily if you have software to assist...
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